I started a blog called www.jetbluehostage.com because JetBlue BLOWS. But before JetBlue, there was the Bic Pen/Kryptonite debacle.
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The story behind this is that someone found out that a bic pen, when used properly, can pop a certain Krytonite lock open. Consumers wrote into Kryptonite to inform the company on this but as corporations are known to do, they ignored thier consumers and the consumers decided to post detailed instruction and videos of how to compromise thier locks all over bike forums and in the online space/blogosphere.
God Bless the internet. Kryptonite decided to listen and offered to replace all these locks with a new lock, IF YOU HAVE THE KEYS.
We do not have the keys. Don't worry, you're not buying stolen goods. In NYC, people are notorious for abandoning thier bikes for years and years when they move on. As superintendants occassionally do, they'll rip the bike apart and throw it in the trash. Charlie found this lock attached to a very big chain in a trash heap. We still use the chain for our bikes to this day, but the lock is just an interesting piece of consumer power history.
You can impress your friends by showing them your groovy bic pen opening a Kryptonite trick.
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